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Upcoming Events:

Holiday Decorating Contest: Results

Best Overall: 3001 Scherer Drive

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Best Traditional: 3305 Sherbrooke

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Most Innovative - 8314 Charlise Rd.

The judging criteria are as follows:

  • Best Traditional: The judges will considered the doorway entrance, front porch, and entry stairway (if applicable) and looked for designs in keeping with a colonial or Victorian style.  Natural elements in the decorations are encouraged but not necessary.  The entryway should be visible from the street by use of flood or spot lighting.

  • Most Innovative: The judges looked for originality in the decorations of the doorway entrance, front porch and entry stairway (if applicable).  This was an opportunity for contestants to showcase creativity in the use of materials.  The entryway should be visible from the street by use of flood or spot lighting.

  • Best Overall: The judges evaluated the entire décor of the house and lot; they will consider all the above criteria.


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  Oxford Observer
GOCA's Award Winning
Newsletter. In 2018: 1st Place , Electronic Format and finalist in Print Format. 
Awarded by Neighborhood's, USA 

Greater Oxford Civic Association Executive Committee and Board    Elected at Annual Meeting, April 9, 2024

Executive Committee: 2024-2025
President: Michelle Emrich
Vice -President: Linda Martin
Secretary: R. Wingeier
Treasurer: Courtney Tolmie

GOCA Board:
Returning Members: 2024-2027
John Cardwell
Niki Sabbath

New Members: 2024-2027
Brad Cundiff
Debbie Mangolas

Upcoming Events

Yard of the Month -  2024

Yard of the Month - April, 2024


April's selection is 2640 E. Weyburn and is owned by Paulette Wilson. She enhanced the English garden theme begun by the previous owners.  Azaleas, asters, alliums and hellebores provide a backdrop to Rattlesnake Creek, whose banks consist of attractive rocks.

Yard of the Month - June, 2024


The Yard of the Month for June is at 2916 Mohawk Road, the home of Pat Wilkinson. The landscaping on this sloping treed lot, presents a sculptured look with a line of boxwood shrubs, followed by a bank of well grown azaleas, and trimmed by green and white hostas planted in a semi-circle around the sides of the well-kept lawn. When many of our lawns showed effects of the recent drought, this yard seemed like a refreshing oasis.

Yard of the Month - May, 2024


The Yard of the Month for May is located at 2939 Halstead Road. It is the home of Jerry and Kathleen Wyatt. A profusely blooming rhododendron anchors this well-maintained corner lot. Evergreen shrubs and flower beds—one featuring only native plants—add interest without overpowering the scene, and foundation plantings are neatly contained. At one side of the house, branches of tall old trees arch cathedral-like above a verdant aisle of thick grass that leads from the front of the lot into the back yard.

Yard of the Month - July, 2024


The vitality of its grass and plantings despite this summer’s severe drought and heat, caused the yard at 3809 Whitewood Road, home of Jes Santillian and David McKeel, to be chosen again as July’s Yard of the Month. A large mixed bed of flowers in full bloom, discretely placed tomatoes, large ostrich ferns, and other greenery sweeps around the corner of the property and into the backyard.  An arrangement of green shrubs interspersed with white flowers and white Grecian jars provides an inviting approach to the home’s front entrance.

Yard of the Month - August, 2024


The property at 8127 Lethbridge Road - at the corner of East Weyburn Road - was chosen as August's Yard of the Month. Owners are Cris and Cindy Scruggs. The house, a copy of a Frank Lloyd Wright classic Florida bungalow, sits atop a slope of a vibrant green lawn. Well-chosen foundation plantings enhance this beautifully maintained yard.

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